A connection between past and future.
2008年11月5日 星期三
2008年9月29日 星期一
Admission from GATECH
Result: Georgia Tech –MSIE
Pending: Purdue –MSIE
Decision: Georgia Tech –MSIE
General Test:
GRE (V/Q/A): 500/790/3.5 @ June, 2006
TOEFL IBT: 98 (29/25/17/27) @ Mar, 2008
BS in
Industrial and Information Management
Electrical Engineering
Double Major, NCKU
GPA: 3.79
Publication: none
Reference letter: Three from NCKU faculty
Award: 書卷*3, 校內微積分競賽 rank top 1%, 其他大大小小獎學金*7
Work experience: almost none
我下定決心要出國的時間很晚, 一直到大四暑假才開始準備出國, 在那個暑假才去台北補方老師的GRE, 也因此利用雙主修的關係多留一年來準備GRE, 方老師的字彙課真的覺得很有用, 本來我英文不是很好, 又要背一卡車的GRE單字, 一開始的挫折感真的很重, 還好方老師一些口訣和字根字首的技巧讓我學到不少背單字的訣竅, 不過因為我真的對自己的英文沒什麼把握, 所以補完一個暑假後又準備一年才去考GRE, 期間除了方老師的教材外, 我又利用方老師的單字技巧看了兩本單字書, 雖然準備一年, 不過考試那天還真的很緊張, 很巧的事, ETS 監考的老師竟然是我高中英文老師, 看到他就無限感慨, 因為我高中英文都在及格邊緣阿, 要是當年努力多一點在英文上, 考GRE的過程就不會那麼辛苦了, 當時心裡就在想(老師…我要在你面前一次洗刷我高中三年英文不好的恥辱阿), 六月考完GRE後就要去當兵了, 因為正逢托福要轉型成IBT所以就沒先去考, 這是不得以的, 有心出國的人應該要當兵前去考, 現在又只要當11個月的兵, 先考好真的放心好多, 當兵期間真的很不穩定, 本來以為可以念書, 其實怎麼可能讓你那麼爽, 只有在休假期間來溫習單字, 畢竟托福還沒考, 就這樣撐過了14個月的兵期, 當完兵後, IBT有聽說讀寫, 加上當兵期間的退化, 我又花了兩多月去市面上買書來準備, 我是買Barron和知音的教材, 兩個都不便宜, 不過仗在之前打過GRE, 就以為自己有練過, 不怕托福, 不過第一次因為不太熟悉ETS的軟體加上有點緊張, 我認為最有把握的 reading竟然給我出鎚只拿20分, 所以只好再戰三月, 考完後就是準備資料了, 基本上我目標是US NEWS. top15 IE program 的學校, 因此我用excel去整理每間學校要的資料和帳號、密碼, 這樣自己比較不會亂, 基本上personal statement和C.V. 我是有去GOOGLE一下大家都是怎麼寫的, 綜合一下融合出自己的STYLE, 我覺得重點是SOP, 因為你要讓他從中了解你這個人, 像GATECH就只要SOP類的東西, 別的學校就要SOP和personal statement, 因此我的策略是去依不同學校, 依照他們的研究領域去寫SOP, 當然有些人會去真對某些老師去寫, 我是想說不是申請博班, 因此沒特別這樣寫, 在SOP中, 我有提到以後會繼續往 PH. D去發展, 因此就寫滿多自己以後想做的方向, 感覺我是把申請Master的SOP當成是申請PH.D在寫, 後來回成大拜託老師寫推荐信時, 他們說他們當時也這樣寫, 不過他們真的是要去念博班!!我申請的策略本來是目標在2009 Fall, 但是在看學校的過程發現有些學校有spring的program, 所以就先投兩間看看, 主力本來是放在Fall的, 現在就不用去花一堆錢去投了, 不然一間學校的申請成本要7000台幣(包括申請費, 加發GRE, TOEFL和快遞費), 現在拿到admission後, 真正的忙碌才要開始, 希望各位後進們都有申請到自己想去的學校。
Pending: Purdue –MSIE
Decision: Georgia Tech –MSIE
General Test:
GRE (V/Q/A): 500/790/3.5 @ June, 2006
TOEFL IBT: 98 (29/25/17/27) @ Mar, 2008
BS in
Industrial and Information Management
Electrical Engineering
Double Major, NCKU
GPA: 3.79
Publication: none
Reference letter: Three from NCKU faculty
Award: 書卷*3, 校內微積分競賽 rank top 1%, 其他大大小小獎學金*7
Work experience: almost none
我下定決心要出國的時間很晚, 一直到大四暑假才開始準備出國, 在那個暑假才去台北補方老師的GRE, 也因此利用雙主修的關係多留一年來準備GRE, 方老師的字彙課真的覺得很有用, 本來我英文不是很好, 又要背一卡車的GRE單字, 一開始的挫折感真的很重, 還好方老師一些口訣和字根字首的技巧讓我學到不少背單字的訣竅, 不過因為我真的對自己的英文沒什麼把握, 所以補完一個暑假後又準備一年才去考GRE, 期間除了方老師的教材外, 我又利用方老師的單字技巧看了兩本單字書, 雖然準備一年, 不過考試那天還真的很緊張, 很巧的事, ETS 監考的老師竟然是我高中英文老師, 看到他就無限感慨, 因為我高中英文都在及格邊緣阿, 要是當年努力多一點在英文上, 考GRE的過程就不會那麼辛苦了, 當時心裡就在想(老師…我要在你面前一次洗刷我高中三年英文不好的恥辱阿), 六月考完GRE後就要去當兵了, 因為正逢托福要轉型成IBT所以就沒先去考, 這是不得以的, 有心出國的人應該要當兵前去考, 現在又只要當11個月的兵, 先考好真的放心好多, 當兵期間真的很不穩定, 本來以為可以念書, 其實怎麼可能讓你那麼爽, 只有在休假期間來溫習單字, 畢竟托福還沒考, 就這樣撐過了14個月的兵期, 當完兵後, IBT有聽說讀寫, 加上當兵期間的退化, 我又花了兩多月去市面上買書來準備, 我是買Barron和知音的教材, 兩個都不便宜, 不過仗在之前打過GRE, 就以為自己有練過, 不怕托福, 不過第一次因為不太熟悉ETS的軟體加上有點緊張, 我認為最有把握的 reading竟然給我出鎚只拿20分, 所以只好再戰三月, 考完後就是準備資料了, 基本上我目標是US NEWS. top15 IE program 的學校, 因此我用excel去整理每間學校要的資料和帳號、密碼, 這樣自己比較不會亂, 基本上personal statement和C.V. 我是有去GOOGLE一下大家都是怎麼寫的, 綜合一下融合出自己的STYLE, 我覺得重點是SOP, 因為你要讓他從中了解你這個人, 像GATECH就只要SOP類的東西, 別的學校就要SOP和personal statement, 因此我的策略是去依不同學校, 依照他們的研究領域去寫SOP, 當然有些人會去真對某些老師去寫, 我是想說不是申請博班, 因此沒特別這樣寫, 在SOP中, 我有提到以後會繼續往 PH. D去發展, 因此就寫滿多自己以後想做的方向, 感覺我是把申請Master的SOP當成是申請PH.D在寫, 後來回成大拜託老師寫推荐信時, 他們說他們當時也這樣寫, 不過他們真的是要去念博班!!我申請的策略本來是目標在2009 Fall, 但是在看學校的過程發現有些學校有spring的program, 所以就先投兩間看看, 主力本來是放在Fall的, 現在就不用去花一堆錢去投了, 不然一間學校的申請成本要7000台幣(包括申請費, 加發GRE, TOEFL和快遞費), 現在拿到admission後, 真正的忙碌才要開始, 希望各位後進們都有申請到自己想去的學校。
2008年5月12日 星期一
Day one
This is my memo of career. I will use this blog as a record of my first job.
After twenty five years as a student, I finally become an incumbent, one of million workers in this world. I am not sure I should be happy or sad, because it is a challenge for me for two reasons. First, I have to learn as soon as possible in these months. My colleagues are graduated from graduate schools; however, I, from undergraduate, have to work harder in order to catch boss's attention. At least, I hope my performance will not humiliate the supervisor, who interviewed me. Second, the company is a big one where there are many rules and regulations around working area including ethnics. The promotion is based on how many years people work for the company. As this result, there is a dilemma for me; that is even I work very efficiently, I still "respect" my senior colleagues.
What is more? This job is not my final terminal, but it is an interim of my further education. In the following year, it is very important to balance my job and the self-studying English. Further, I will have to complete the applications of every graduate school in time. I think it will be a tough time to accomplish these things, but as my girl friend said, if you can not behavior as a great man, how will you be a real one. There are many unreasonable words from her mouth, but this one contains much meaning.
Finally, it was an easy day today, just lectures and videos. I will face the real stuff tomorrow, the real situation I will face in this year. I hope I can get around with it and find the joy in it as usual.
After twenty five years as a student, I finally become an incumbent, one of million workers in this world. I am not sure I should be happy or sad, because it is a challenge for me for two reasons. First, I have to learn as soon as possible in these months. My colleagues are graduated from graduate schools; however, I, from undergraduate, have to work harder in order to catch boss's attention. At least, I hope my performance will not humiliate the supervisor, who interviewed me. Second, the company is a big one where there are many rules and regulations around working area including ethnics. The promotion is based on how many years people work for the company. As this result, there is a dilemma for me; that is even I work very efficiently, I still "respect" my senior colleagues.
What is more? This job is not my final terminal, but it is an interim of my further education. In the following year, it is very important to balance my job and the self-studying English. Further, I will have to complete the applications of every graduate school in time. I think it will be a tough time to accomplish these things, but as my girl friend said, if you can not behavior as a great man, how will you be a real one. There are many unreasonable words from her mouth, but this one contains much meaning.
Finally, it was an easy day today, just lectures and videos. I will face the real stuff tomorrow, the real situation I will face in this year. I hope I can get around with it and find the joy in it as usual.
2008年3月13日 星期四
Competition For Studying Aboard
As the competition in the world is increasing, people are forced to gain more advantages to succeed in their works. People who study aboard think they can gain some extra advantages from their foreign education. In fact, they indeed have benefits after graduating from foreign schools.
First of all, people studying aboard must go to the countries where the specific terrain of profession is preoccupying in the world. Students want to learn the most advanced knowledge and skills in these countries and take the advantage of it when they return to their home countries. Because their knowledge is regarded better than people who study in the home country, the companies are likely to give them better pay. In my country, Taiwan, for example, people who study aboard can get more salary and opportunities to promotion than in the local universities.
Further, when students who study aboard have to counter the foreign culture and the gap of language, they become stronger in mind and more adaptation to different environments. These factors become advantages in their following lives. In this era, companies need their employees to conduct business in any countries and cultures. As a result, students who fit these needs are those studying aboard. This is another reason why companies want to pay more for them.
However, studying aboard is not always a panacea for success. Students also have to pay attention on studying and researching in order to acquire advanced knowledge. Students who study aboard just for a certificate would not have great accomplishment, after their bosses find they are useless except for a glittered degree certificate. After all, there is an old word, which is no rose without thorns. Studying is not an easy task, and studying aboard especially difficult, so students who have the chance to go aboard and study must cherish the chance and do their best on studying.
First of all, people studying aboard must go to the countries where the specific terrain of profession is preoccupying in the world. Students want to learn the most advanced knowledge and skills in these countries and take the advantage of it when they return to their home countries. Because their knowledge is regarded better than people who study in the home country, the companies are likely to give them better pay. In my country, Taiwan, for example, people who study aboard can get more salary and opportunities to promotion than in the local universities.
Further, when students who study aboard have to counter the foreign culture and the gap of language, they become stronger in mind and more adaptation to different environments. These factors become advantages in their following lives. In this era, companies need their employees to conduct business in any countries and cultures. As a result, students who fit these needs are those studying aboard. This is another reason why companies want to pay more for them.
However, studying aboard is not always a panacea for success. Students also have to pay attention on studying and researching in order to acquire advanced knowledge. Students who study aboard just for a certificate would not have great accomplishment, after their bosses find they are useless except for a glittered degree certificate. After all, there is an old word, which is no rose without thorns. Studying is not an easy task, and studying aboard especially difficult, so students who have the chance to go aboard and study must cherish the chance and do their best on studying.
2008年3月10日 星期一
How Do Children Become Men?
There are some differences between children and adults, or there would not these two different words. Although the human society has changed a lot for thousands of years, the difference never changes. In the adults' world, there are many challenges around them, so they are forced to compete with other adults and take many responsibilities in order to survive. Therefore, the essential gap is the responsibilities.
When a child has the ability and willing to take a responsibility, he is moving a step to the adult world. After specific times of this process, he will become an adult. When people are old enough to be considered adults, if they fear to take the responsibilities given by the society they just look like adults and however, they are still children in their mind. The military service, for example, is a mandatory duty in my country; however, some people who do all they can to avoid this duty are not thought real men.
The responsibility is so crucial, that it is a terrible catastrophe when people forget them. The society loses its orders in that situation where people run through the traffic light and students do not attend schools and workers are absent in the companies and governments do not function. As the result, children should understand the responsibilities of an adult during growing up. Fortunately, we can teach our children through our education system and family. In addition to understand these things, children also have to do them in the real world. If they do not, they behave just like ignorant people.
There are many responsibilities existing in the society, for example, caring about other people including your family and friends, helping those who need your help, fostering the weak, complying with laws. Some urge people to help others, while some ask people do their own duties well. In summary, they all want the world good and peace without violence. When I was an elementary school student, my teacher ever told me no matter what I do when I grow up, do not do things which hurt others and break the laws. I still remember now.
When a child has the ability and willing to take a responsibility, he is moving a step to the adult world. After specific times of this process, he will become an adult. When people are old enough to be considered adults, if they fear to take the responsibilities given by the society they just look like adults and however, they are still children in their mind. The military service, for example, is a mandatory duty in my country; however, some people who do all they can to avoid this duty are not thought real men.
The responsibility is so crucial, that it is a terrible catastrophe when people forget them. The society loses its orders in that situation where people run through the traffic light and students do not attend schools and workers are absent in the companies and governments do not function. As the result, children should understand the responsibilities of an adult during growing up. Fortunately, we can teach our children through our education system and family. In addition to understand these things, children also have to do them in the real world. If they do not, they behave just like ignorant people.
There are many responsibilities existing in the society, for example, caring about other people including your family and friends, helping those who need your help, fostering the weak, complying with laws. Some urge people to help others, while some ask people do their own duties well. In summary, they all want the world good and peace without violence. When I was an elementary school student, my teacher ever told me no matter what I do when I grow up, do not do things which hurt others and break the laws. I still remember now.
2008年3月8日 星期六
A Country I Love to GO
There are many beautiful resorts in the world; however, I would like to visit China, the one of the oldest country in the history and the fast growing economy in the world. China has two things in which I am interested. First, there are many antiquities there, and many of them are invaluable for all humans. Second, the economy in China has increased in an amazing speed; as this result, I want to see what miracle is happening.
In the first ten days, I prefer a historic trip. The capital of China, Beijing, is an ancient city, which has established since several centuries ago. The place which I love to visit is the Great Wall, which can be seen by the astronauts in the space. Moreover, the Palace is also in my list because I want to see how the empires live luxuriously. Anyway, when I am there, I could feel the atmosphere of an old country through everything I see.
In the next ten days, I want to see the development of economy in China. Although I could not go through the country to see what happens everywhere, I could visit the most important economic city, Shanghai, where the economy is growing every second. I could understand the life of the wealthy Chinese people who represent the future life of other Chinese people in the future. Because they are richer than others, the ways they live are the examples that others will imitate in some years.
After all, the old dragon has wielded its power since its leader opened the economy to other countries. The free economy brings wealth for people in China, so if I do not understand the country, I might lose some advantages to compete with other people in the world. China is always a mysterious country with five thousand years history and nearly two billion people. The potential market and business are unfathomable.
In the first ten days, I prefer a historic trip. The capital of China, Beijing, is an ancient city, which has established since several centuries ago. The place which I love to visit is the Great Wall, which can be seen by the astronauts in the space. Moreover, the Palace is also in my list because I want to see how the empires live luxuriously. Anyway, when I am there, I could feel the atmosphere of an old country through everything I see.
In the next ten days, I want to see the development of economy in China. Although I could not go through the country to see what happens everywhere, I could visit the most important economic city, Shanghai, where the economy is growing every second. I could understand the life of the wealthy Chinese people who represent the future life of other Chinese people in the future. Because they are richer than others, the ways they live are the examples that others will imitate in some years.
After all, the old dragon has wielded its power since its leader opened the economy to other countries. The free economy brings wealth for people in China, so if I do not understand the country, I might lose some advantages to compete with other people in the world. China is always a mysterious country with five thousand years history and nearly two billion people. The potential market and business are unfathomable.
2008年2月28日 星期四
I Don't Smoke!
This is an era of freedom, that is everyone has right to do anything without breaching the laws. However, when people try to do anything that they want, they should take few minutes to think about if the thing they will do will become other people's burden or not. If that will inroad other people's right, people should not do it. Therefore, no matter the government enacts the rule to limit smoking in public, people who smoke have to learn to respect others.
It is a hell for people who do not smoke to sit near smoking people. The smell of smoke is nasty, and the components of the smoke are harmful for human respiratory system. They will increase the rate to having lung cancer. Unfortunately, the rate is higher for people who do not smoke but inhale other's smoke than people who smoke. As a result, it is very unfair to let people smoke in public. Other people need clean space where there is fresh air to breath without worry of healthy danger.
In the other side, people who smoke also assert that the rule will abandon their right. They even propone the civil right in the Constitution to prove that they have to protect their smoking right. However, they forget the spirit of democracy and Constitution is based on a freedom avoid of breaching other people's right. Moreover, they still have right to smoke. For example, many restaurants have provides a smoking area for smoking people in which the air does not circulate to other area in the restaurants. With the isolated air condition, they can smoke and do not bother other people.
After all, before the government enacted the rule, people who don't smoke had to tolerate smoking people. Even although they hated the smoke of cigarette, they bore that smell because they showed their veneration of smoking people. Since the rule has enacted, the smoking people have to respect others. Moreover, for their and their children's health, if they could quit smoking, it is the best thing.
It is a hell for people who do not smoke to sit near smoking people. The smell of smoke is nasty, and the components of the smoke are harmful for human respiratory system. They will increase the rate to having lung cancer. Unfortunately, the rate is higher for people who do not smoke but inhale other's smoke than people who smoke. As a result, it is very unfair to let people smoke in public. Other people need clean space where there is fresh air to breath without worry of healthy danger.
In the other side, people who smoke also assert that the rule will abandon their right. They even propone the civil right in the Constitution to prove that they have to protect their smoking right. However, they forget the spirit of democracy and Constitution is based on a freedom avoid of breaching other people's right. Moreover, they still have right to smoke. For example, many restaurants have provides a smoking area for smoking people in which the air does not circulate to other area in the restaurants. With the isolated air condition, they can smoke and do not bother other people.
After all, before the government enacted the rule, people who don't smoke had to tolerate smoking people. Even although they hated the smoke of cigarette, they bore that smell because they showed their veneration of smoking people. Since the rule has enacted, the smoking people have to respect others. Moreover, for their and their children's health, if they could quit smoking, it is the best thing.
2008年2月24日 星期日
Wanted A Caterpillar!!
There is a bad news about my new friend, the caterpillar mentioned few days ago. When I went to the flowers this morning, I found it lost there. It disappeared there. I'm very sure, because I scrutinized every leaf of those flowers. However, there is no track about it. I feel terrible right now. I ever thought to record its life from a small caterpillar to a flying butterfly. All right, even it might not be a butterfly; I still want to watch this natural transformation.
According my imagination, there are two possible things happening on the caterpillar. First of all, it traveled to a remote place where the leaves are better for its appetite. Because the leave in the flowers where it was are old and shrivel, the leave might be too hard for it. The young bug might want delicate sprouts. This is a best way I prefer, in that it still lives.
On the contrary, the other way does not go as I hope. It might be the prey of birds. When I proceeded in the rescue operation, I heard the twitter from birds in the trees, which sounded like gloated laughs. Birds preying their food is a natural thing. Caterpillars always are listed in birds’ menu just after they hatched. Further, the small and sparse leave provide all but a safe shelter. There might be another reason why birds discovered the caterpillar. That is my observation which caught their acute eyes and revealed the position of the caterpillar. I have wondered the intelligence of a bird could help it discover my action relative to divulging something interesting to it.
After all, it has really gone away, I still went there to find any evidence of tracks it left. However, as I ever said it is not the time for this caterpillar to live in this season, and the nature really does it job to select the right one which deserves to survive.
According my imagination, there are two possible things happening on the caterpillar. First of all, it traveled to a remote place where the leaves are better for its appetite. Because the leave in the flowers where it was are old and shrivel, the leave might be too hard for it. The young bug might want delicate sprouts. This is a best way I prefer, in that it still lives.
On the contrary, the other way does not go as I hope. It might be the prey of birds. When I proceeded in the rescue operation, I heard the twitter from birds in the trees, which sounded like gloated laughs. Birds preying their food is a natural thing. Caterpillars always are listed in birds’ menu just after they hatched. Further, the small and sparse leave provide all but a safe shelter. There might be another reason why birds discovered the caterpillar. That is my observation which caught their acute eyes and revealed the position of the caterpillar. I have wondered the intelligence of a bird could help it discover my action relative to divulging something interesting to it.
After all, it has really gone away, I still went there to find any evidence of tracks it left. However, as I ever said it is not the time for this caterpillar to live in this season, and the nature really does it job to select the right one which deserves to survive.
2008年2月23日 星期六
Do Children Need Computer?
Children born in this technological society contact much information and face competition around the world. Although children in different ages have different needs, I think a computer probably is the best way for children to initially access the cyber world. Because a computer has various functions, including surfing internet, learning computer skills, and practicing typing, children can benefit from the computer, although it still has some drawbacks. However, the sum of advantages and disadvantages is positive.
In the bright side, children can learn computer languages, C, C++, Java, with computers. These languages play a significant role in their following life, especially if they prefer to devote in technology companies. Even though those do not work in tech companies, they will have high chance to use these skills to complete their assignments in schools. Moreover, the life around us is full of computers; as the result of this, it is better to let children familiar with the operation of a computer. When they play computer games, they facilitate the using of a computer unconsciously. Nothing can be compared with learning in playing.
However, the biggest drawback of a computer is that overly using computer causes people spend too much time on using computer. An obvious extreme example is children who play computer games too zealously stay up every night and finally feel illness. It is a general rule that when people do a thing too over, there is something wrong happening. If children can not control themselves, they could fail in school works.
After all, parents of children have the responsibility to watch their children and prevent them become addicted in computer. As long as children properly use computer, the problem will be solved. However, this needs adults' help, because most children have less self-continent in many things, not only using computers. Except of this problem, we still can not neglect the merits of a computer. In fact, I think there are many advantages of a computer when children use them in right attitude. Computers will help children grow and understand much knowledge.
In the bright side, children can learn computer languages, C, C++, Java, with computers. These languages play a significant role in their following life, especially if they prefer to devote in technology companies. Even though those do not work in tech companies, they will have high chance to use these skills to complete their assignments in schools. Moreover, the life around us is full of computers; as the result of this, it is better to let children familiar with the operation of a computer. When they play computer games, they facilitate the using of a computer unconsciously. Nothing can be compared with learning in playing.
However, the biggest drawback of a computer is that overly using computer causes people spend too much time on using computer. An obvious extreme example is children who play computer games too zealously stay up every night and finally feel illness. It is a general rule that when people do a thing too over, there is something wrong happening. If children can not control themselves, they could fail in school works.
After all, parents of children have the responsibility to watch their children and prevent them become addicted in computer. As long as children properly use computer, the problem will be solved. However, this needs adults' help, because most children have less self-continent in many things, not only using computers. Except of this problem, we still can not neglect the merits of a computer. In fact, I think there are many advantages of a computer when children use them in right attitude. Computers will help children grow and understand much knowledge.
2008年2月21日 星期四
A Wandering Caterpillar
Yestoday, I foud a small green caterpillar in front of my garage. I reconigned it as a caterpillar which eats a specific type of flower, because my grandmother ever grew that flower. When I sae it, I felt very surprised as the result of season, spring is not supposed to see this bug. There was a sound in my mind which told me to find somewhere to save it. Because it is a victim of grobal warming. Warm weather makes it hatch earily, and there is no much food, the leaves of flower. But I still found some flowers with few leaves, and then, I put it in a leaf. After that, I go to see the tiny bug everytime when I go outsides.
This morning, when I went to those flowers, I could not find anything like caterpillar resting in the leaves. I thought it might be eaten by some predators, like sparrows. However, before the sunset, I went there without any expectation, but I suddenly saw a green thing on the back of a leaf. That is the caterpillar. It must go someplace to resort and back the place I left it. What a funny caterpillar!
2008年2月18日 星期一
What Is The Value Of A Leader?
Team working is a efficient method to solve problems in any organization, for profit or nonprofit. In a team, there is a leader who targets the goal, supervises the working schedule, cares about teammates, and holds a party if the team could meet the goal. In order to facilitate the work in a team, the team leader must have qualified personalities, like charisma, vision, coordination between people, and of course, leadership.
On the other hand, the team members just follow their boss's commands to tilt the goal and do their own business. The risk of a team member is smaller than of the leader, because the responsibility of the success or fault is on the leader's shoulder. As the result, many people prefer to be one of the team members, not the leader. However, they forget the position is a opportunity to wield their power to present their ability; especially when the goal is difficult, the value of the people who are leaders easily glimmers and is saw by everyone. They could surge their position and wealth, after the teams they lead would succeed.
On the dark side, when the team fails to its goal, the payback is also considerable. Of course, as people could hold the most fruits after harvesting, they also might have to lose the most of their own when losing. The leader is always the target of critics after a failing. Moreover, even the team successfully completes its mission, the leader has put most of his effort to accomplish the job, maybe ten times more than sum of the other teammates. Considering the situation, the job of a leader is not as easy as other people admire.
What is the value of a leader? A leader can have a high position in a team; therefore the vision is far and clear, too. To be a member, people might understand their parts of tasks and have no idea what others do. A leader, opposite, has to oversea all the things during the working, not only the progress of schedule but members. If people are confident with their abilities, they must seize the chance to be a leader.
On the other hand, the team members just follow their boss's commands to tilt the goal and do their own business. The risk of a team member is smaller than of the leader, because the responsibility of the success or fault is on the leader's shoulder. As the result, many people prefer to be one of the team members, not the leader. However, they forget the position is a opportunity to wield their power to present their ability; especially when the goal is difficult, the value of the people who are leaders easily glimmers and is saw by everyone. They could surge their position and wealth, after the teams they lead would succeed.
On the dark side, when the team fails to its goal, the payback is also considerable. Of course, as people could hold the most fruits after harvesting, they also might have to lose the most of their own when losing. The leader is always the target of critics after a failing. Moreover, even the team successfully completes its mission, the leader has put most of his effort to accomplish the job, maybe ten times more than sum of the other teammates. Considering the situation, the job of a leader is not as easy as other people admire.
What is the value of a leader? A leader can have a high position in a team; therefore the vision is far and clear, too. To be a member, people might understand their parts of tasks and have no idea what others do. A leader, opposite, has to oversea all the things during the working, not only the progress of schedule but members. If people are confident with their abilities, they must seize the chance to be a leader.
2008年2月15日 星期五
Query A Younger Person
When people who lack some aspects of knowledge have an aggressive inclination of learning, they gather information from anywhere, including books, internet, and people who know those things. These people include younger people than theirs. Because the purpose of them is to understand information, the age of the people is not an important problem as long as they have the knowledge and want to share what they know.
People who do not ask younger people have the preconception which tells them the younger people have few experience than they do. However, in this modern world where the information is increasing and renovating faster than any era of human history, professional people have their expertise in their terrains because it takes much time to absorb whole information in the specific profession. According to this, it is very possible that people can not know everything in the world, at least not detail. Therefore, any smart person might have questions in some aspects of knowledge that he is not familiar with, and he might meet a man knowing the knowledge is younger than he is.
Beside, the young people usually are eager to gather new information. When people are getting older and want to know what is going on in the world, they probably have to ask their children or younger people they know. For example, my mother did not have known about the searching engines, named Yahoo or Google, on the internet until I told her how to gather information from the internet. Actually, many things young people think are common; nonetheless, some elder people do not know their name and how they work.
After all, because knowledge is about all but people's age, we should not ask questions after considering people are younger or not. People who cross the barrier of age can harbor the universe in their mind. In fact, when people politely query other people questions, I think no one would disincline to answer those questions.
People who do not ask younger people have the preconception which tells them the younger people have few experience than they do. However, in this modern world where the information is increasing and renovating faster than any era of human history, professional people have their expertise in their terrains because it takes much time to absorb whole information in the specific profession. According to this, it is very possible that people can not know everything in the world, at least not detail. Therefore, any smart person might have questions in some aspects of knowledge that he is not familiar with, and he might meet a man knowing the knowledge is younger than he is.
Beside, the young people usually are eager to gather new information. When people are getting older and want to know what is going on in the world, they probably have to ask their children or younger people they know. For example, my mother did not have known about the searching engines, named Yahoo or Google, on the internet until I told her how to gather information from the internet. Actually, many things young people think are common; nonetheless, some elder people do not know their name and how they work.
After all, because knowledge is about all but people's age, we should not ask questions after considering people are younger or not. People who cross the barrier of age can harbor the universe in their mind. In fact, when people politely query other people questions, I think no one would disincline to answer those questions.
2008年2月14日 星期四
There are various people living in the world and of course, many personalities, too. Some people who are extravert love to explore new things and meet new friends, and they like something different from the usual. However, there are other people, shy and introvert, staying in the round-of-the-mill life, that is there is no accidence and surprise in their stewardship everyday.
People who like excitingly new things are more aggressive than people who do not love to change. As this result, these people arrange tasks quickly and cleave the unknown world bravely in the companies. According their personality, the companies which are in the fledgling stage need them to build new business and meet new customers. However, too much aggression is like a train without a brake might have some accidents. The conservative people have their reason to exist in the companies in order to function like a brake.
When people do everything overly conservatively, they fail to try anything new. They handle with things as they ever did. However, when a new thing happens to them, they might have no idea to do it. After all, they would live behind the step of the world.
Nonetheless, we have to respect people's right to live on their own styles. However, I am an ambivert man, which is the third possibility. When I am in the office to work, I enjoy the challenges from customers, colleagues, boss and subordinates. There is usually something new every day. But, when I go home, I want to stay a peace place where the things are the same, because I am fatigued and have no energy to wrestle the new things, and moreover, I need to pacify my brain and relax the body. I think there are some people like me, ambivalent.
People who like excitingly new things are more aggressive than people who do not love to change. As this result, these people arrange tasks quickly and cleave the unknown world bravely in the companies. According their personality, the companies which are in the fledgling stage need them to build new business and meet new customers. However, too much aggression is like a train without a brake might have some accidents. The conservative people have their reason to exist in the companies in order to function like a brake.
When people do everything overly conservatively, they fail to try anything new. They handle with things as they ever did. However, when a new thing happens to them, they might have no idea to do it. After all, they would live behind the step of the world.
Nonetheless, we have to respect people's right to live on their own styles. However, I am an ambivert man, which is the third possibility. When I am in the office to work, I enjoy the challenges from customers, colleagues, boss and subordinates. There is usually something new every day. But, when I go home, I want to stay a peace place where the things are the same, because I am fatigued and have no energy to wrestle the new things, and moreover, I need to pacify my brain and relax the body. I think there are some people like me, ambivalent.
Art In The Tech
The world needs different types of people to construct a society with various values. The artist who performs their ideas through the drawing, sculpture, and other kinds of methods give people the satisfaction of mind. On the other hand, the scientists who delve into researches of innovational inventions and uncovered discoveries provide people the satisfaction of curiosity and convenience. If we lost one of them, we could be like a patient who lacks some essential nutrition feels ill.
People living in a society where there is no art would lack their mind and feel bored and weary, because the art exists around us and resembles the spirit of thoughts at that time. Even the high technology instruments have art factors. For example, the outline of a cell phone which looks smooth and clear-cut, just lke a piece of artwork is designed to fit the shape of human hand. Moreover, no matter what products we use now, they are amalgamated with art. In fact, the art is not the pots or pictures in the museums.
However, there would be a disaster, if the scientists have never existed, we might live in the Stone Age. When we use our cell phones to talk to a friend living far away or prepare a project by a computer, we have to thank those scientists who devote themselves and even their lifes into researches. After several times failings, there would be an amazing invention enhancing people’s living.
When we think about the contribution of scientists, we can not forget the artists. Because many smart tools in the present consists not only the capacities of their functions but the cool design of their shapes. People do not cherish a product which has very powerful functions but looks very ugly. Therefore, a successful product has to blend the technology into art in order to catch customer's eyes.
People living in a society where there is no art would lack their mind and feel bored and weary, because the art exists around us and resembles the spirit of thoughts at that time. Even the high technology instruments have art factors. For example, the outline of a cell phone which looks smooth and clear-cut, just lke a piece of artwork is designed to fit the shape of human hand. Moreover, no matter what products we use now, they are amalgamated with art. In fact, the art is not the pots or pictures in the museums.
However, there would be a disaster, if the scientists have never existed, we might live in the Stone Age. When we use our cell phones to talk to a friend living far away or prepare a project by a computer, we have to thank those scientists who devote themselves and even their lifes into researches. After several times failings, there would be an amazing invention enhancing people’s living.
When we think about the contribution of scientists, we can not forget the artists. Because many smart tools in the present consists not only the capacities of their functions but the cool design of their shapes. People do not cherish a product which has very powerful functions but looks very ugly. Therefore, a successful product has to blend the technology into art in order to catch customer's eyes.
2008年2月12日 星期二
Why not handy work instead of machine
The most difference between human beings and animals is utilizing of tools, because we are so smart that understand how to facilitate to work through various tools. Therefore, I prefer using these tools or machines to perform my works. They decrease working time, increase the efficiency and ease my effort.
After the revolution of industry in the nineteenth century, there have been many inventions making our life convenient. Some things which took a lot of time and effort to complete just need a few to do. For example, before the invention of trains and cars, it took several weeks to cross the American continent; however, we can use less than a week to do the same thing and even less time, if we take the plane.
Further, as all kinds of machines have been invented, we can enjoy efficient working processes. With the efficient processes, we can have more time to do other thing, particularly leisure time, which never happened before because of working. For example, the labor workers who might need three hours to knit a unit of clothes; nonetheless, it only takes 3 minutes for a textile machine, a loom. The boss of the factory can make more profit than before without additional time of producing. As the result, the workers can have free time on the weekend.
Not only do the machines benefit the manufacturing industrial but also individual. Take house-clean for example. In the past, when people wanted to clean their floor at home, they had to use brooms and much time. However, they can clean the floor by vacuum machines which can suck almost everything on the floor, and more importance is that it takes less time and effort.
When we have so many machines to help us perform tasks, we should enjoy the benefit of it.
After the revolution of industry in the nineteenth century, there have been many inventions making our life convenient. Some things which took a lot of time and effort to complete just need a few to do. For example, before the invention of trains and cars, it took several weeks to cross the American continent; however, we can use less than a week to do the same thing and even less time, if we take the plane.
Further, as all kinds of machines have been invented, we can enjoy efficient working processes. With the efficient processes, we can have more time to do other thing, particularly leisure time, which never happened before because of working. For example, the labor workers who might need three hours to knit a unit of clothes; nonetheless, it only takes 3 minutes for a textile machine, a loom. The boss of the factory can make more profit than before without additional time of producing. As the result, the workers can have free time on the weekend.
Not only do the machines benefit the manufacturing industrial but also individual. Take house-clean for example. In the past, when people wanted to clean their floor at home, they had to use brooms and much time. However, they can clean the floor by vacuum machines which can suck almost everything on the floor, and more importance is that it takes less time and effort.
When we have so many machines to help us perform tasks, we should enjoy the benefit of it.
2008年2月11日 星期一
Jogging and Swimming Relax Me
In the competitive modern society, there is much stress and pressure around us. Although some people can tolerate very extremely pressure of their environment, there has to be some ways for people to relax themselves. In this way, people can improve working efficiency. For me, the best way to soothe my tension of job is to exercise, including jogging and swimming. In fact, these two exercises can make me perspire very much and further, slack my muscles.
When I jog along the road, I feel the wind flowing through my skin, and this feeling is just like someone touches you very gentle and releases thoughts linking to the ponderous job. Not only does the jogging relax my pressure but also strengths my body, the heart, lungs, and muscles. Every time after jogging, I feel much better, and my health has improved a lot since I began to jog. The healthy body can help me to bear more pressure in the work; my performance increases.
In fact, I alternate the two exercises when I feel weary. The benefits of the swimming are well-known for many people. It can improve the coordination of body, strength all muscles in the body, and improve the capability of lungs. When I float in the water, I like to let myself float freely. Because, I find this way can temporarily stop thinking the tasks in the work and life and let me feel like a baby in mother's womb. In this situation, I feel peace and safe and relax.
Everyone has particular ways to release pressure, because the pressure affects people's life harmfully. If people do not find a way out, it might hurt the health of body and become a detrimental cycle. When people who have too much stress from the jobs do not find ways to release and accumulate the pressure in their body. They will feel illness and even sick as the pressure is stacked to a certain amount. Finally, they won’t work efficiently as usual and feel more pressure from their boss.
When I jog along the road, I feel the wind flowing through my skin, and this feeling is just like someone touches you very gentle and releases thoughts linking to the ponderous job. Not only does the jogging relax my pressure but also strengths my body, the heart, lungs, and muscles. Every time after jogging, I feel much better, and my health has improved a lot since I began to jog. The healthy body can help me to bear more pressure in the work; my performance increases.
In fact, I alternate the two exercises when I feel weary. The benefits of the swimming are well-known for many people. It can improve the coordination of body, strength all muscles in the body, and improve the capability of lungs. When I float in the water, I like to let myself float freely. Because, I find this way can temporarily stop thinking the tasks in the work and life and let me feel like a baby in mother's womb. In this situation, I feel peace and safe and relax.
Everyone has particular ways to release pressure, because the pressure affects people's life harmfully. If people do not find a way out, it might hurt the health of body and become a detrimental cycle. When people who have too much stress from the jobs do not find ways to release and accumulate the pressure in their body. They will feel illness and even sick as the pressure is stacked to a certain amount. Finally, they won’t work efficiently as usual and feel more pressure from their boss.
2008年2月6日 星期三
Semiconductor and Industry inTaiwan
Base on the economy improvement and the convenience of living, the invention of semiconductor is the most beneficial thing for my country, Taiwan. There is no such technological life around us without semiconductors, because it is the basic item in the modern instruments including computers, radios, cell phones and any kind of electronic equipment. My country is the place which manufactures these high tech toys.
Before building the factories to make electronic products, we engaged to manufacture traditional ones, such as textiles, plywood, or forages. These traditional products have low profit and require much human resource, but the basic salary of a worker had haven increased for a period of time. The cost of workers impels companies to find a way out. With the support from the government and the invention of semiconductors, the industry turned to produce electronic products for American and European companies which seek to lower their costs. As the result, my country has started prosperity since that time.
In the common people's life, the high tech companies in my country make the electronic products close to everyone with affordable price. These products which are expensive at first gradually exist around people's living. For example, the cell phone was an extravagant product. Only business people could afford it; however, everyone has a cell phone now. The computer, another example, plays an essential role in modern society, but before invented and lower price, the computer only exists in big companies and research laboratories.
There is a connection between the invention of the semiconductor and the prosperity of my country. If one of them disappeared at the past, the world would not so convenient and modern. However, at the time being, the industry of technology in my country faces cost problem as it happened before. I hope we can hold the spirit as we had at the transition in the past, and further, push the economy to another boom.
Before building the factories to make electronic products, we engaged to manufacture traditional ones, such as textiles, plywood, or forages. These traditional products have low profit and require much human resource, but the basic salary of a worker had haven increased for a period of time. The cost of workers impels companies to find a way out. With the support from the government and the invention of semiconductors, the industry turned to produce electronic products for American and European companies which seek to lower their costs. As the result, my country has started prosperity since that time.
In the common people's life, the high tech companies in my country make the electronic products close to everyone with affordable price. These products which are expensive at first gradually exist around people's living. For example, the cell phone was an extravagant product. Only business people could afford it; however, everyone has a cell phone now. The computer, another example, plays an essential role in modern society, but before invented and lower price, the computer only exists in big companies and research laboratories.
There is a connection between the invention of the semiconductor and the prosperity of my country. If one of them disappeared at the past, the world would not so convenient and modern. However, at the time being, the industry of technology in my country faces cost problem as it happened before. I hope we can hold the spirit as we had at the transition in the past, and further, push the economy to another boom.
As I Was a College Student
Education helps students get around to the world and understand the universe. Although many people think the education in the universities is a process in which students through it gain professions and skills to make money after graduating, I prefer a university which provides myriad classes in order to satisfy students' need for knowledge. These classes are not prepared for work, but they are designed for students who hunger for knowing what they don't know.
The universities are not factories in which students, just like products, are taught by professional classes, like manufacturing processes, to have abilities for jobs in future companies, the customers. They are different individuals who have their interests and different goals for their unique life. Therefore, the colleges should not limit the classes just to fit the works. Further, the authorities in the colleges should provide the classes to fit students' needs. Because students whose future is unpredictable will face all kinds of challenges, what they learn in the universities may be used in the future.
As the result, not only students learn as many as they can during the college life, and colleges also open as many classes as they can. Moreover, no one can expect a person's future. In the competitive world, people change their jobs very often; sometimes, they even turn into a different course which needs different profession. Further, when some people who do survive in the competitive world, they would be promote to a higher position. For example, a student who majors in engineer might become a manager when promotion. As they situate higher positions, they need more abilities to exercise their power well and reach another promotion.
As long as the colleges provide various classes, their students will have advantages in the future. Limiting the types of classes constrain the future of their graduators. Colleges confident with their students, faculties, and teaching contents do not choose the future for students.
The universities are not factories in which students, just like products, are taught by professional classes, like manufacturing processes, to have abilities for jobs in future companies, the customers. They are different individuals who have their interests and different goals for their unique life. Therefore, the colleges should not limit the classes just to fit the works. Further, the authorities in the colleges should provide the classes to fit students' needs. Because students whose future is unpredictable will face all kinds of challenges, what they learn in the universities may be used in the future.
As the result, not only students learn as many as they can during the college life, and colleges also open as many classes as they can. Moreover, no one can expect a person's future. In the competitive world, people change their jobs very often; sometimes, they even turn into a different course which needs different profession. Further, when some people who do survive in the competitive world, they would be promote to a higher position. For example, a student who majors in engineer might become a manager when promotion. As they situate higher positions, they need more abilities to exercise their power well and reach another promotion.
As long as the colleges provide various classes, their students will have advantages in the future. Limiting the types of classes constrain the future of their graduators. Colleges confident with their students, faculties, and teaching contents do not choose the future for students.
2008年2月4日 星期一
Jobs, Me, Life
For many people, jobs are the way to earn money in order to maintain needs of living. Some of them who are voracious do their best to gather as much money as they can in all means; therefore, they sacrifice many things in their life. However, I think I rather spend time with my family and friends than works, because if the money is enough to make my costs in life even, that is fine for me.
Actually, there are many benefits to earn less money and to share my time with family and friends. One of them is that you could stay more time with your children when they grow up. Many people who urge to work overlook their family. When their children have been adults, they, finally, remind that they seem to lose something, that is, the childhood of their children, which is never bought by money. Many educational experts find that the children who accept education without the company of parents will not perform well as those with parents who accompany with them. As the result, we can not reverse children's process of growth, so we have to cherish the time when they are still young.
Further, people who spend a lot of time working have less time for themselves. They might found they have nothing but money when they are too old to work, and then what could they do after they would not go to work? They would become lonely and solitary, because they have no friends. Moreover, when people drown in the tasks in the work, they easily neglect their health; as the result, they become illness as their fortune is increasing. Not only time but also health can not be bought from supermarket with credit cards.
After all, people who dedicate to their jobs have to sit down and consider one thing, that is are the jobs so important for exchange what they love? If the answer is yes, then those people are really working animals. However, if the answer is no, people have to change.
Actually, there are many benefits to earn less money and to share my time with family and friends. One of them is that you could stay more time with your children when they grow up. Many people who urge to work overlook their family. When their children have been adults, they, finally, remind that they seem to lose something, that is, the childhood of their children, which is never bought by money. Many educational experts find that the children who accept education without the company of parents will not perform well as those with parents who accompany with them. As the result, we can not reverse children's process of growth, so we have to cherish the time when they are still young.
Further, people who spend a lot of time working have less time for themselves. They might found they have nothing but money when they are too old to work, and then what could they do after they would not go to work? They would become lonely and solitary, because they have no friends. Moreover, when people drown in the tasks in the work, they easily neglect their health; as the result, they become illness as their fortune is increasing. Not only time but also health can not be bought from supermarket with credit cards.
After all, people who dedicate to their jobs have to sit down and consider one thing, that is are the jobs so important for exchange what they love? If the answer is yes, then those people are really working animals. However, if the answer is no, people have to change.
2008年1月31日 星期四
Slower Pace, More Efficiency
In the competitive society, people are struggling to survive and contend with other people. However, I think although we are always in the rush time, we can take the time if we arrange the schedule properly. We can live healthfully and happily as long as we slower our pace in life.
When people are urgent to do things, they may complete them more quickly. But the faster they do, the more likely they make errors. We judge the results in the efficiency of people, that is how well they do, not how many they do. Therefore, people must sometimes carefully check their works and find out if there is any fault in their plan.
Further, people who are in hurry have more chances to have healthy problems, including hearth disease, high blood pressure, headache, and insomnia. These problems decrease people's working efficiency. As a result, when people want to accomplish one thing quickly, they may feel painful in their head and further, they have to see a doctor. Finally, they may use more time to finish the task than those people take their time to do the same thing.
Slowing pace does not mean that people must do everything very inefficiently. I think before people begin to work, they have to plan first. On their plan they schedule the tasks in proper time; that is they must know their capability and the difficulty of the tasks and distribute their time to each task. People in hurry do not understand or trust their capability, so they do things without planning.
In conclusion, people must use their time efficiently in order to succeed in the competitive world. Because everyone has only twenty four hours a day, if they know what to do and finish job on time with fewer errors, they are doing something right. They can live more healthily to combat with next challenge.
When people are urgent to do things, they may complete them more quickly. But the faster they do, the more likely they make errors. We judge the results in the efficiency of people, that is how well they do, not how many they do. Therefore, people must sometimes carefully check their works and find out if there is any fault in their plan.
Further, people who are in hurry have more chances to have healthy problems, including hearth disease, high blood pressure, headache, and insomnia. These problems decrease people's working efficiency. As a result, when people want to accomplish one thing quickly, they may feel painful in their head and further, they have to see a doctor. Finally, they may use more time to finish the task than those people take their time to do the same thing.
Slowing pace does not mean that people must do everything very inefficiently. I think before people begin to work, they have to plan first. On their plan they schedule the tasks in proper time; that is they must know their capability and the difficulty of the tasks and distribute their time to each task. People in hurry do not understand or trust their capability, so they do things without planning.
In conclusion, people must use their time efficiently in order to succeed in the competitive world. Because everyone has only twenty four hours a day, if they know what to do and finish job on time with fewer errors, they are doing something right. They can live more healthily to combat with next challenge.
2008年1月28日 星期一
my contemporary view of job
A work is a kind of responsibility of a man because he must arrive workplace on time and accomplish all stuffs of his own on plans. On the other side, people who have jobs are considered more reliable and trustful, especially when banks think over people's mortgages or application of a credit card. People do their job with many reasons, but the most important issue is to live. After people do not worry their next meal, they want respect, honor, and self-satisfaction.
Besides money, people, especially professional experts, need others to respect them and their profession, of course. No one can do a job, when many people disregard what you do. Further, people will feel happier when they have a job which many people admire. For example, in my country, an engineer in high technology companies gets more respect than in the traditional ones. Because people think the engineer in high technology needs more sophisticated techniques and are usually supposed to be smarter. Therefore, working in such company you earn not only money but veneration.
Although it is glad when other people admire you and your job, people also consider their jobs in their mind. People work more efficiently and progressively, when they are proud of their jobs. They, further, can find their happiness through completing and conquering each challenge in their jobs. It is called honor and self-satisfaction. A man who works for building is happier than receiving salary envelope, when the mansion is complete.
People work in this era not only for money but also for achieving their expectation. Everyone has a dream in their mind, and work is a way to make their dream come true. After all, the most happiness is in people's mind.
Besides money, people, especially professional experts, need others to respect them and their profession, of course. No one can do a job, when many people disregard what you do. Further, people will feel happier when they have a job which many people admire. For example, in my country, an engineer in high technology companies gets more respect than in the traditional ones. Because people think the engineer in high technology needs more sophisticated techniques and are usually supposed to be smarter. Therefore, working in such company you earn not only money but veneration.
Although it is glad when other people admire you and your job, people also consider their jobs in their mind. People work more efficiently and progressively, when they are proud of their jobs. They, further, can find their happiness through completing and conquering each challenge in their jobs. It is called honor and self-satisfaction. A man who works for building is happier than receiving salary envelope, when the mansion is complete.
People work in this era not only for money but also for achieving their expectation. Everyone has a dream in their mind, and work is a way to make their dream come true. After all, the most happiness is in people's mind.
My view in Coordination
A person who wants to succeed in the competitive world must know how to coordinate people, because the world becomes more and more complex and if someone, especially a leader, needs to allocate different kinds of resource and people to achieve his goal, the person must understand coordination. Furthermore, the coordination can separate into two parts, which are communication and relocation of resource. By the way, with increasing globalization and multinational plans, organizations need these people to handle their businesses.
More resource and people mean the processes in the organization need more cooperation between different professional people. In order to smooth the progress and reduce the cost, we need people who can communicate people between departments. For example, in any manufacturing company, there is a department which serves for customers. Usually, the employees in that department have to listen to complaints and suggestions from customers and give that information to department of manufacture to make their products conform customers' need. The company would lose its customers, if employees in the customer department do not transmit the messages of customers efficiently.
Not only does a manufacturing company fail, when it doesn't do well in communication. It would lose its competition, if it could not use its resource effectively. For example, if a company only concentrates on designing new product disregarding of customers' needs, it would produce a lot of product which few people would buy. Therefore, a company needs to utilize its resource well in order to be a successful one.
After all, the way to success does not constraint on organizations, and individual person can follow it, too. When people live, they have to carry out many things in their life. As things becomes complex, they have to coordinate some people to help them. Actually, we have to help and be helped, and in some aspects, people benefit mutually.
More resource and people mean the processes in the organization need more cooperation between different professional people. In order to smooth the progress and reduce the cost, we need people who can communicate people between departments. For example, in any manufacturing company, there is a department which serves for customers. Usually, the employees in that department have to listen to complaints and suggestions from customers and give that information to department of manufacture to make their products conform customers' need. The company would lose its customers, if employees in the customer department do not transmit the messages of customers efficiently.
Not only does a manufacturing company fail, when it doesn't do well in communication. It would lose its competition, if it could not use its resource effectively. For example, if a company only concentrates on designing new product disregarding of customers' needs, it would produce a lot of product which few people would buy. Therefore, a company needs to utilize its resource well in order to be a successful one.
After all, the way to success does not constraint on organizations, and individual person can follow it, too. When people live, they have to carry out many things in their life. As things becomes complex, they have to coordinate some people to help them. Actually, we have to help and be helped, and in some aspects, people benefit mutually.
2008年1月25日 星期五
Foe or Friend to endanfered animals
Some people think that human needs for farmland, housing, and industry are more important than saving land for endangered animals. Do you agree or disagree with this point of view? Why or why not? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.
It is very difficult to make a decision of saving the lives of endangered animals or starving people. Although we have destroyed many places in earth and cause invaluable animals facing terrible situation, we also have to know there are many hungering people in the world.
The people who want to survive in the cruel world, they must find anything they can get to make lives including cutting trees for fire to warm their home, fishing or hunting for food, and turning the forest into land for cultivating crops or building houses. This is the history of human. We can not question if our ancients' behaviors is right or not, because they need the resource for living.
However, the situation has totally changed when people use the natural resources too much and further, hurt the nature. In the present, we have more ways to make live, and few people have to fight with nature to survive. We need to stop and consider that what we do is right or not because today, there are many endangered animals which need our help and we did save them only if we give up our greed. For example, many Chinese people think the tusk of elephant is a kind of rare herbs, and therefore, there are many greedy businessmen and hunters killing many elephants in order to cut their teeth. However, the experts in Chinese herb tell us there are many herbs instead of the elephants' tusks.
In short, when we are going to develop some area, there are many researches and evaluations needed to do to know the effect of environment. Our modern world has owed the earth too much, and the damage done before is hard to repair. Only one thing we can do is preserve the world now.
It is very difficult to make a decision of saving the lives of endangered animals or starving people. Although we have destroyed many places in earth and cause invaluable animals facing terrible situation, we also have to know there are many hungering people in the world.
The people who want to survive in the cruel world, they must find anything they can get to make lives including cutting trees for fire to warm their home, fishing or hunting for food, and turning the forest into land for cultivating crops or building houses. This is the history of human. We can not question if our ancients' behaviors is right or not, because they need the resource for living.
However, the situation has totally changed when people use the natural resources too much and further, hurt the nature. In the present, we have more ways to make live, and few people have to fight with nature to survive. We need to stop and consider that what we do is right or not because today, there are many endangered animals which need our help and we did save them only if we give up our greed. For example, many Chinese people think the tusk of elephant is a kind of rare herbs, and therefore, there are many greedy businessmen and hunters killing many elephants in order to cut their teeth. However, the experts in Chinese herb tell us there are many herbs instead of the elephants' tusks.
In short, when we are going to develop some area, there are many researches and evaluations needed to do to know the effect of environment. Our modern world has owed the earth too much, and the damage done before is hard to repair. Only one thing we can do is preserve the world now.
2008年1月21日 星期一
I am hesitate about my future
For many people, future is unpredictable, so is mine. But I tried to plan it two years ago, and as an old ancestor said: you never know what will happen in next second. I have to change or adjust my plan now. I ever planed to study aboard just after I finish my military service; however my family has had financial problem when my grandfather tried to join-venture with other people and invested a company oversea. Having a company sounds like that I should not worried where my job will be, but the grandfather of mine is my mother's father; further, my mother does not want me to participate the company, because she thinks there are too many people want to get the bowl in "her family". However, the financial problem in the company forces my parents to mortgage my home to the bank to gather money. I say it more clearly. There maybe nowhere to stay within a year if we face the worst situation.
In my view, there is a way for me to struggle in the future, but I fear something I don't know. I find I feel panic when I am in an uncertain situation. When I am in panic that makes me perspire and feel shattered, I try to tell myself to be strong, confident, and calm down. I always pull myself together after having sweaty hands. I think it is some kinds of psychological disease or some challenges made by god to treat my ability to persevere with my dream and my idea.
In order to conquer the problem, I, as usual, adjust my plan. Each time I revise my plan to get the hand of changing environment I feel fidgety going to the next step. However, I know things change as moon waxing and waning. It is the time for me to take the responsibility of living. In the past, my parents had sacrificed too much for their children; now, I will find a job and make money while my brother serves his military service. There is no excuse to evade the problem. I feel more composed in my mind when writing to this sentence. Maybe it is someone divine tells me this is a right way.
I hope I will do something right in the future for my family and for my life. I can just live once in my whole life. At the meantime, I know direction I go and there is more crucial thing- dream is for people who don't act, and what I have is target which is based on a practical plan. All I need to follow is that executing the plan with my total vigor.
In my view, there is a way for me to struggle in the future, but I fear something I don't know. I find I feel panic when I am in an uncertain situation. When I am in panic that makes me perspire and feel shattered, I try to tell myself to be strong, confident, and calm down. I always pull myself together after having sweaty hands. I think it is some kinds of psychological disease or some challenges made by god to treat my ability to persevere with my dream and my idea.
In order to conquer the problem, I, as usual, adjust my plan. Each time I revise my plan to get the hand of changing environment I feel fidgety going to the next step. However, I know things change as moon waxing and waning. It is the time for me to take the responsibility of living. In the past, my parents had sacrificed too much for their children; now, I will find a job and make money while my brother serves his military service. There is no excuse to evade the problem. I feel more composed in my mind when writing to this sentence. Maybe it is someone divine tells me this is a right way.
I hope I will do something right in the future for my family and for my life. I can just live once in my whole life. At the meantime, I know direction I go and there is more crucial thing- dream is for people who don't act, and what I have is target which is based on a practical plan. All I need to follow is that executing the plan with my total vigor.
2008年1月5日 星期六
Imaging that you have received some land to use as you wish. How would you use this land?
The land is considered a valuable estate in our society. There are many usages for land, but the best way I think is for social benefit. However, people use land to achieve different goals depending on the scale of the land, so there are still other kinds of using the land including building a house for family and trading the land for money.
The most charitable way for using the land is to provide it for the society, in other words, to share the estate for everybody. In this way, the land could become a public school, a library or a park. All people in the community could take part of the benefit of the land. Although it seems to cost to achieve the accomplishment, what could compare with the happiness for other people?
If the land is not suited for the public usage, I hope to build a house for my family. Because I owe them too much, there is nothing could compensate them. I think the house may provide my a little compensation. Moreover, the old house my family now lives is too old to be comfortable; there are many broken parts around the house. Even the house is full of aged structure that may not be safe, my family still live there in that we have enough budgets to rebuild it. Therefore, I would gain the budget for sale some of the land, and build a brand new house for my family.
For the latest choice, that is, if the land is too small to be a public usage and a house, then I want to sell the land for money. By this way, I could gather more budget for other things. I could donate some of the money to charities or my future studying fund or the retire fund of my family. When I could not do one thing along, I hope there are some ways that I could give a hand.
In Chinese traditions, the land is the most reliable wealth because its amount is limited. I think there are still other good ways to use the land. No matter what the people do when they receive such expensive thing, that demonstrates people's consciousness.
The most charitable way for using the land is to provide it for the society, in other words, to share the estate for everybody. In this way, the land could become a public school, a library or a park. All people in the community could take part of the benefit of the land. Although it seems to cost to achieve the accomplishment, what could compare with the happiness for other people?
If the land is not suited for the public usage, I hope to build a house for my family. Because I owe them too much, there is nothing could compensate them. I think the house may provide my a little compensation. Moreover, the old house my family now lives is too old to be comfortable; there are many broken parts around the house. Even the house is full of aged structure that may not be safe, my family still live there in that we have enough budgets to rebuild it. Therefore, I would gain the budget for sale some of the land, and build a brand new house for my family.
For the latest choice, that is, if the land is too small to be a public usage and a house, then I want to sell the land for money. By this way, I could gather more budget for other things. I could donate some of the money to charities or my future studying fund or the retire fund of my family. When I could not do one thing along, I hope there are some ways that I could give a hand.
In Chinese traditions, the land is the most reliable wealth because its amount is limited. I think there are still other good ways to use the land. No matter what the people do when they receive such expensive thing, that demonstrates people's consciousness.
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